What to expect on International Night

Mina Estrada, Staff Writer

International Night, also known as I-night, will return to

A banner in the cafeteria promoting International Night.

Hayfield on Thursday, March 10 after a two year break. International night is an annual show that Hayfield puts on to recognize and embrace students’ different ethnicities and cultures. I-Night is a one night event that takes place in the auditorium, where all the proceeds from ticket sales go to a currently undecided charity. 

With this being the first international night since 2019, student participation has increased, with a total of 150 participants. Participants represent a country (or two) and either fashion walk, perform, or cook the food of their culture. 

International night is split into 3 different sections: Cultural Expo, Fashion, and Talent.

The first segment is the Cultural Expo. During this portion of I-night, students would normally bring in food relating to the country they are representing. However, because Covid is still prevalent, for everyone’s safety, there will not be food distribution this year. The food section of International Night has always been very popular with the students at Hayfield; without it, there may be concern for how much student support I-night will get. 

Although food will not be a part of I-night, the Cultural Expo will instead encourage the participants to bring in artifacts and clothing to put on display for a walk around. 

After the Cultural Expo is the Fashion Walk. Participants dress in their traditional clothing and walk the stage, showing off their ethnic attire. The countries go by alphabetical order having each participant walk with music for about 20 – 30 seconds. 

The show finishes off with the Talent section. Talent is known as many students favorite part of the show. This is when participants give a performance, usually dance, that represents their country. Specifically two countries, Ethiopia and Eritrea, often give an exceptional production displaying their talents. 

This entertaining experience helps wrap up the show with excitement and buzz.

All segments of the show compliment each other and give each person and country great representation.

Although International Night may be a little different this year, the school and participants are hoping everyone will come out to support and watch the hard work that’s being put into the show!