Have you ever donated blood?

Morgan Santo (Senior) donating blood. (Kiana Wilson)

Mina Estrada, Staff Writer

Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. Donating can help save a life. Luckily Hayfield has its very own “Blood Club.” The Blood Club, in collaboration with NOVA healthcare, helps set up 2 donation days a year at Hayfield, where students can go to the middle school lecture hall and give blood. Recently Hayfield had its first donation day of the 2022-2023 school year on October 19th. The blood club, run by Lynn Hendricks, helps Hayfield students have an easy accessible way to donate.

“I became the teacher sponsor for the blood club so that students can start the habit of donating blood early [in their life]. it’s a great habit to get into, there is an endless need for blood,” Hendricks said.

A slogan the blood club likes to put on their posters and banners is “there is no substitute for human blood.” This is entirely true. Donating comes at no cost and many students encourage each other to donate.

“Even though I couldn’t donate I would have if I could and I’m glad I tried,” senior Asha Nair said.
Nair is a student at Hayfield who went to donate but unfortunately was unable due to the medical requirements that need to be met in order to be eligible to donate. Such requirements include having at least 12.5 g/dL of hemoglobin, no sexual contact with anyone with HIV, AIDS, or hepatitis, not leaving the country in the past 3 months, weighing above 110lbs, and being at least 16 years old.

With the enforced rules for donation, some students do get turned away if they don’t fit the needed criteria.
“I never donated before so I was scared the needle would hurt or something would go wrong but it went great and I got snacks after,” senior Abigail Petros said.

Although donating can be scary, especially for the first time, it’s nothing to fear!

Blood drive set up in the middle school lecture hall. Photo by Kiana Wilson.

When donating, students are welcomed into the middle school lecture hall where they give their signed forms to the front table and are given more paperwork to fill out while they wait, this paperwork is healthcare information. These forms screen you to make sure you are eligible to donate.

Once you are called by a NOVA healthcare representative they will go over your paperwork, test you for hemoglobin, and confirm that you are suitable to give blood. That is the last step before you are placed into one of the 4 chairs where you donate a pint of your blood.

The blood club has set up a somewhat seamless pop up donation site. With a waiting area, a blood donation area, and a resting area for when students are done, the operation runs quite smoothly.
Many students had a good experience and, when asked, will most likely return in the spring to donate again.
The Blood Club hopes to continue to get generous donors and spread more awareness throughout the school for the cause.