The selection process for Hayfield’s new principal

Outside of Principals office

Outside of Principal’s office

Jaslyn Truong, Editor-in-Chief

In the 2022-2023 school year, Hayfield Secondary appointed Matthew Mough as the interim principal. Due to Martin Grimm’s unexpected and last minute departure as principal before the school year, Matthew Mough – assistant principal last year, agreed to fill the role as Hayfield’s principal. Since then, he has been the acting head administrator at Hayfield. However, the start for the selection for Hayfield’s new official principal is currently starting. Community, student, and staff input is crucial in this process to find the new head administrator of Hayfield. 

This is what you need to know about the selection process and how you can partake in it:

The overall selection process for every Fairfax County Public School principal is detailed on .

However, specifically focusing on Hayfield, selecting the principal involves the input of many and is a calculated process. There was an email that was sent from FCPS Region 3 Administration that details the important things that you should know about the overall selection. 

Region 3 Administration wants to inform students, staff, parents, and community about the selection process. On February 2nd, 2023, there was a ZOOM meeting that parents and staff could sign up to join. At this meeting, this process was outlined, including the multiple levels of interviews that will take place to select a principal candidate. 

Another important date is March 14th, 2023, where a virtual panel interview will be held. This panel includes: four staff representatives, four parents or community representatives, and one Hayfield student. 

If you are interested in becoming a panelist, submit this Google Form due on February 28th, 2023 before office hours close. Once the applications are received, the Region 3 leadership team will review the submissions and select the panelists. The Department of Human Resources will contact the individuals who are selected to serve. 

The most critical component of the selection process is the written component from others. 

“Invited to offer your individual, written input via e-mail regarding the skills, experience, and leadership characteristics needed for Hayfield Secondary School,” Region 3 Administration said in the email. 

If you decide to write an email with your input, know that input is entirely confidential and should address any challenges or issues that the new principal should address. Input is due to the Department of Human Resources by Friday, March 3, 2023.

How Students Can Get Involved

On February 22nd, 2023, there was a Principal Input Meeting that took place in the High School Lecture Hall. This meeting included some FCPS Region 3 administrators, and student leaders from Hayfield clubs and groups. 

During this meeting, the students were asked the three following questions:

  1. What qualities are you looking for in the next principal for Hayfield?
  2. What is one thing that makes you proud to be a Hayfield Hawk?
  3. What is the most important issue you would like the new principal to address?

After answering the questions on a Jam Board, all the students were to look at others answers and discuss prevalent themes. The themes that were most noticed by the students were pride in Hayfield’s diversity, a communicative principal, substance abuse among students, reprimanding students who break rules, and Hayfield bathrooms. 

The Hayfield bathrooms have been a heavy topic of discussion this school year with its constant closure of some of them, causing mass frustration to students. 

If you have anything else to add in the discussion for qualities or issues to be brought aware of for the new principal, there is a Google Form that can be filled out – Principal Selection Input Form

This feedback is due by Friday, Mar 3, 2023