Many students think about having a steady stream of income while still being able to have free time in the day. While some may work part time to fulfill this goal others try to look for ways to make money being self employed. Though very few students actively and successfully end up running businesses that produce negligible profit, some break the mold establishing a business that provides ample income. Sophomore Alphonse Collada is one of the few. He decided to start a drop shipping business; drop shippers are sellers that serve as middlemen between customers and manufacturers.
“I was dirt broke. I wanted to change that so I started drop shipping for money,” Collada said.
Some hold the misguided notion that to be successful at starting a business one must spend years learning and honing skills.
“I mainly learned drop shipping from watching YouTube videos,” Collada said.
In a short amount of time Alphonse has already made monumental profit compared to what he first invested to start his business.
“I’ve been doing drop shipping for three months and I have made lots of profit,” Collada said.
While other types of businesses may take up a large chunk of a person’s schedule, drop shipping is flexible enough to fit in a busy schedule.
“I spend a hour max, I gotta check my statistics and talk with my investors. It goes pretty well with my schedule, I still get time to hang out with my friends and relax,” Collada said.
Looking to the future Alphonse hasn’t decided how long he will run his business for.
“I’ll maybe do it until college, maybe beyond,” Collada said.
There are many entrepreneurs that attend Hayfield. It takes much determination and resilience to run a successful business while also dealing with school.