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The Student News Site of Hayfield Secondary School

The Harvester News

The Student News Site of Hayfield Secondary School

The Harvester News

A life shaped by sports
Yahia Omar, Staff Writer • May 21, 2024

A review of “Saturn” by SZA

Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP
SZA poses in the press room at the iHeartRadio Music Awards on Monday, April 1, 2024, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

“Saturn” was a surprise single released by the artist SZA and it’s currently number 15 on the Billboard Hot 100. It dropped in February 2024, just two months after she released her album SOS.  

“Saturn” starts with dreamy instrumentals that evoke the feeling of drifting in space, but despite its beautiful sound, the lyrics contrast this. In this song SZA tells a story of feeling stuck and hopeless. She’s stuck in the same cycle of loss and she feels like her life is the same pattern of constantly hurting. Throughout the chorus, the whimsical melodies persist, perhaps serving as a metaphor for how she masks her pain. Due to this cycle, SZA starts to develop a “what’s the point” mindset. Her existentialism starts to show when she sings “none of this matters” in the post-chorus. To escape this she dreams of a being in a far off place, Saturn. A place free from the agony of her everyday life.

What SZA describes in this song is part of what makes it so amazing. While yes  the song sounds good and it’s nice to listen to, the lyrics are also relatable for a lot of people. Everybody’s had moments where they’ve felt dejected and we all have things that make us feel happier. Whether it’s a hobby, a person, or a special place, we all have our ‘Saturn’.

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Poll results from the Harvester News Instagram. Photo courtesy of Neia Anna Javier-Dizon


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Gisselle Tedla
Gisselle Tedla, Staff Writer
Hi! My name is Gisselle Tedla and I’m a Freshman. This is my first year in Journalism, and I love to read and write. In my spare time I enjoy volleyball and cycling.

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