The Student News Site of Hayfield Secondary School

The Harvester News

The Student News Site of Hayfield Secondary School

The Harvester News

The Student News Site of Hayfield Secondary School

The Harvester News

A life shaped by sports
Yahia Omar, Staff Writer • May 21, 2024

Say yes to the dress: Prom dress debate

Photo by Jaslyn Truong

The end of the year is right around the corner, and with that comes the annual hunt for the perfect, night-determining dress for the biggest event of the season: Prom. However, this year social media has decided to introduce another factor to the question of what to wear, the rise of simplicity over traditionalism. In this case, simplicity is puffed sleeves, silk, pastels, and ruffles, void of any glitter or intricate embroidery like the traditional prom dresses many are familiar with. This topic has sparked arguments on the internet on which type of dress is the best for Prom.


In a poll of 86 students conducted on The Harvester News Instagram, 77% voted the traditional style of dresses was best for prom, whereas only 23% voted that the new style was better suited. Although a clear majority, the debate is still a topic of heated discussion. Those in favor of the more traditional prom dress vouch for the extravagance of the night to match the fashion, whereas the new style argues they’re more refreshing and elegant.


For many, a prom dress entails ornate detailing with jewels and long trains. It’s the only night of the year, and for some, their last, students can showcase their fashion in the form of glitz and glamour. Therefore, the preference to “go all out” is the route many take. Shopping for these types of dresses is readily available due to their popularity, however, it’s the price tag that comes with it that many argue doesn’t compensate for the dresses themselves. 

Photo by Kiara Repuyan

“As much as I love a cute dress, I just don’t think spending that much money on one thing is sensible,” Senior Isabel Gallardo said.


Dresses cost from $100 to upwards of $300, and for that alone, many students find it hard to find their “perfect dress.” During a time that is costly for many, with paying for AP Exams and college, the prom dress is far from a priority for students in terms of spending

money. Here, an alternative option appears, the new, minimalist, dress that has risen in popularity for Prom 2024.


The commonality between the new era of dress styles, which the internet has dubbed “Easter dresses”, is their simplicity. Dresses are decorated in pastels, tulle, and floral patterns. It’s blatant in the fact that you can wear this dress in many different instances like brunch, a holiday, and to some extent Prom. These dresses are much more accessible as the costs are much cheaper than the average prom dress. However, the controversy lies in the debate whether it’s too simple. As stated before, prom is a dress-to-impress event, yet new-era styles seem to be accomplishing the complete opposite. 


“Prom should be something you wear once in your life,” Senior Francesca Babijes.


The “specialness” of prom is what fuels the debate, and for Senior Nicole Hornung, who deems prom the “one time [students] can dress like a princess”, there’s much ambiguity to labeling what is and isn’t suitable to wear. In a few days it is prom, and guessing by the multitude of responses the dress scene will be mixed with both eras of style. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that you won’t be thinking about the dress in a couple of years. So whether adorned in a glittery ball gown, or flowing silk, the stress of a prom dress should be the least of your worries, because, in the end, it’s memories that come with the special night.

Photo by Kiara Repuyan

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Which prom dress do you like better?


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Neia Anne Javier Dizon
Neia Anne Javier Dizon, Editor-in-chief
Hello! My name is Neia Anne Javier Dizon, an Editor-in-chief for Harvester News. Most of the time you’ll find me watching a Sofia Coppola film or Formula One!
Kiara Repuyan
Kiara Repuyan, Staff Writer
Hi! My name is Ki and I have been on The Harvester news staff since my junior year! When I am not writing or interviewing, I spend my free time running, reading, playing instruments, or watching movies! I am so excited to create for you guys this year!

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