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The Student News Site of Hayfield Secondary School

The Harvester News

The Student News Site of Hayfield Secondary School

The Harvester News

A life shaped by sports
Yahia Omar, Staff Writer • May 21, 2024

Les Misérables receives 12 Cappies nominations

Do You Hear the People Sing? Critics say they’re The Master of The House
Enjolras, portrayed by Elliff, raises the flag for the final time during “The Final Attack” (Glenn Cook Photography)

On Saturday May 4, The Dramahawks production of Les Misérables was reviewed by Cappies critics, including Elliot Cooper (Mount Vernon) and Julie Kessel (Albert Einstein). As of May 7th, the Dramahawks have been nominated for 12 Nation’s Capital Area Cappie awards.

The Cappies are a high school theater awards program, training students in both theater and journalism. They have 12 chapters across the world, with the headquarters being in the Nation’s Capital. Member schools have a team of student critics who attend productions to critique them. Between 20 – 90 student critics are sent to every production, all of whom participate in discussing all aspects of the show. Reviews written are sent back to the school, and some of the best are sent to publications. At the end of the season, Critics will nominate what they believe are best. There are 42 award categories, ranging from critic awards, tech awards, and performance awards.

Among the Hayfield students nominated are Madison Beisner, Sam Rutledge, and the Dramahawks Set Team for the set award.

“The set nomination is a huge thing for the Hayfield Dramahawks,” Beisner said. “The set crew put in a lot of work for this reward and I’m so proud of them and everyone else who’s a part of this amazing show.”

Sets aren’t the only nominated technical aspect of this show. Marley Peterson, Megan Rigsbee, and the Dramahawks Lighting Team were also nominated.

I’m incredibly proud [of] all the work put into this and how our lighting team has worked to create an unforgettable scenery for the show. I’m so grateful to be working as lighting captain, side by side with Megan,” Peterson said.

Alongside sets and lighting, the Dramahawks stage crew received a nomination for their work.

Johnson performing “Who am I?” (Glenn Cook Photography)

There were nine performance nominations earned by the production, including seven individuals. Senior Will Johnson plays leading man, Jean Valjean. His performance earned him his nomination as Lead Actor in a Male Role in a Musical.

“I was ecstatic to hear that I was nominated among people that I respect dearly, and even more ecstatic to see my friends were alongside me in my nominations,” Johnson said.

One of those friends is junior Sunya Supanklang portraying Javert in this production. Supanklang was nominated as Supporting Actor in a Male Role in a Musical.

“Getting nominated for a Cappie is huge for me. Knowing that the multitudes of hours I’ve put into this musical and character brings entertainment to people makes it all worth it. [In] my attempt to fulfill the role I was given to the fullest, I started taking vocal lessons and would practice many different variations of my character (Javert). Given the complexity of the character, it took [an] extremely long [time] to find what I was looking for, but eventually it all locked in,” Supanklang said.

“Going into the Cappies performance I was worried about what they would think of the choices I’ve made, and I am beyond thrilled that [they] liked my performance.”

Alongside the leading and supporting actors are featured actors. Senior Jordyn Sooley plays Fantine, and she received a nomination as Featured Actor in a Female Role in a Musical.

“I’m so honored to be nominated. I never imagined I would get to be apart of something as special as this. It’s even better that I get to share it with my friends. I’m so grateful to this program and I’m excited to see what the future holds,” Sooley said.

Elliff in “The ABC Cafe” (Glenn Cook Photography)

Senior Carter Elliff is a longtime Dramahawk. He has been participating since 7th grade and he is currently portraying Enjolras, also known as the man raising the flag, this spring.

“Ever since I was a 7th grader, I had heard the high schoolers talk about the Cappies… I’m very proud of everyone involved in the cast of Les mis and for all the hard work we put in,” Elliff said.

Les Misérables may be noted as “depressing”, but it still has its comical moments. Senior Gary Valdivieso plays the hilarious Thenardier. It’s this role that earned him a nomination for Comic Actor in a Male Role in a Musical.

It’s an honor to be recognized, when strong work meets strong talent it is only natural to see results…Hayfield is no exception! This opportunity goes to show how much this department has grown over the past few years. Perfect way to end the Senior year!Valdivieso said.

But it’s not just the upperclassmen actors who are picking up nominations. Sophomore Mary Copeland and Freshman Aaron Guerrero were nominated for their roles as well.

Copeland received her nomination as Supporting Actor in a Female Role in a Musical.

“I’ve been working on Eponine’s song, On My Own, for about a year now, even before I knew Les Misérables was our spring show. After I got cast as Eponine, I really threw myself into getting to know her and vocally preparing for myself, so I’m very excited and grateful for this opportunity,” Copeland said.

Guerrero plays Marius Pontmercy, where he was nominated for Vocalist in a Male Role.

When putting something together such as a show, you have to work out the hardest stuff to have an end result that you are proud of. Basically that [our] hard work will pay off sooner or later,” Guerrero said.

The Students at the ABC Cafe (Glenn Cook Photography)

The Dramahawks also received nominations for groups of performers. The Students at the ABC Cafe are those participating in the revolution. They were nominated for the Ensemble in a Musical category.

Largest of all, the entire production was nominated for the best Musical category. This nomination encompasses all aspects of the show, including singing, dancing, on and off stage elements, and overall production quality.

But what does this all mean? The Cappies host a yearly gala at the Kennedy Center for all nominees to attend. It is filled with performances of students from member schools, and awards are presented to the winners in those categories. The top six plays and musicals are invited to perform an excerpt of their show. Because of Hayfield’s nomination for best musical, the Dramahawks have been invited to perform.

“It’s kind of a dream come true to not only be nominated, but to get to perform at the Kennedy center,” Elliff said.

Students will have to attend a gala rehearsal and continue to prepare after the closing of the show, but there is excitement in the air.

“I can’t wait to perform at the Kennedy Center on June 10th,” Supanklang said.

Do you want to hear the people sing in this multi-award nominated musical? There are still two chances to watch Les Misérables; be sure to join in the Dramahawks crusade on May 9th and 11th at 7pm!

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About the Contributor
Katerina Floros
Katerina Floros, Staff Writer
Hey, I’m Kat! I am currently a junior and this is my second year as a staff writer for the Harvester News. I love music and I’ve been a member of the hayfield marching hawks since freshman year. I also love to swim and I’ve been a competitive swimmer for the last 7 years. I’m so excited to see what our staff can accomplish this year.

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  • C

    Christine PageMay 9, 2024 at 5:46 pm

    Great article.

  • L

    LilyMay 9, 2024 at 2:50 pm

    Great work❤️

  • K

    KenMay 9, 2024 at 8:59 am

    Hey Kat well written and I hate to see you grow up

  • M

    Michael IgnacioMay 8, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    Great Job!

  • R

    Ro OberdickMay 8, 2024 at 11:47 am

    Great article Kat! 🙂
