Young Life Campaigners starts up again after prolonged break

2019 Young Life Campaigners session in the Busch’s living room in their house.

2019 Young Life Campaigners session in the Busch’s living room in their house.

Brianna Jones, Staff Writer

With around 100 clubs at Hayfield, and some still finding their footing mid-way through the year, it is safe to say that Hayfield has a very active student body. Most clubs are student led, with a teacher serving as the sponsor and lending their classroom to the club to use. Most clubs end there, in the classroom. But Young Life is different. Young Life Campaigners is the name for the “Christian Club” at Hayfield. Phrased in quotations because it’s not just for Christians, it’s not considered a Hayfield affiliated club, and it’s not even held at school. 

At its foundation, Young Life is about fostering relationships between teens and adult volunteers in their Christian walk. Tim Busch, along with his wife Elizabeth Busch, Matthew Hendricks, and Lynn Hendricks are all volunteers for the organization.

“The mission of Young Life is to introduce adolescence to Jesus Christ and allow them to grow in their faith. We are volunteer leaders, we want to build real authentic positive relationships with high school kids and help introduce them to the Christian faith, we just happen to be teachers at [a] school,” history teacher Tim Bush, co-sponsor of Young Life, said. 

 Young Life isn’t a club where you pay dues and have mandatory meetings. It’s open for anyone, not just specific groups of people. 

“Young Life appeals to all teens, those who are involved in a church and those who have never stepped inside a church,” Mrs. Busch said. 

The volunteers hold “hangouts” (or meetings) for students to attend every Monday at 7pm at the Busch’s house. 

“We respect the boundaries between what we’re allowed to do in the school and outside the school, keeping in the lane we’re supposed to keep in.We still follow Hayfield policies regarding masking,” Mrs. Busch said. 

One thing that makes Young Life unique is that it isn’t a quiz or test on what one knows or doesn’t know about the Christian faith. In actuality, it’s just kids hanging out and talking. 

“[In a typical session] kids could ask questions, have lively conversation and we’d just have fun being together and getting to know each other,” Mrs. Busch said. 

A strong attraction to Young Life is that you’re seeing friends that you already go to school with, in an outside of school setting. 

“It’s a safe space for young people who are not Biblical scholars, or know anything about the Bible at all to start to feel comfortable sharing with classmates or fellow high school students [about] what they believe and to develop or strengthen their faith,”  Mr. Hendricks said.

Many students of all grades continue to attend the hangouts even with Covid restrictions. Whether it was a chilly night bonfire in the Busch’s backyard, or being masked and watching “The Chosen ” in their living room, Hawks of all ages love going to Young Life on Monday nights. 

Senior Emma Febbraro has been attending Young Life Campaigners since before Covid started, and has been enjoying the peer relationships she’s building through the organization. 

“It’s nice to know that you have a group of people that you don’t see just in school and you can create an out of school relationship with them and have people that are going through similar things as you are and support each other and hold each other up at the same time,” Febbraro said. “High school is really important to create a group of close friends and people that you can belong with and Young Life has given me that opportunity.” 

But old members aren’t the only ones going to Young Life, many new members are joining as well. Sophomore Carter Elliff started going to Young Life with his peer, Jeremy Friend, in the fall. 

“I’ve been involved in my church actively and I wanted a little more of that so I joined Young Life. I see people that I didn’t even know believed and now I know that they do and it grows in friendship,” Elliff said. 

Current members are always encouraging new people to join.

“I think you should go, if you’re on the fence about going or not I think you really should. It’s a good time,” Friend said.  

If you’re interested about learning more, you can talk to either of the Busch’s or Hendrick’s or join the Remind Messages:  Text @hawksylc  To: 81010