A history of Hayfield
Construction Crews beginning renovation in the science hallway. This photo appeared in the 2002 The Orange Peal newspaper.
November 28, 2022
Hayfield Secondary School first opened its doors in 1969, but the land was used long before that. Originally owned by George Washington, it would pass through many hands to get to the present. The land would eventually be sold to Wills and Van Metre in 1963 who would develop housing, which would create the need for a school. During the excavation process, thirty one pre civil war burial sites were found. The building was supposed to be finished by January 13th, but due to delays classes had to be hosted at Edison and Twain. In September of 1969, full day classes finally began.
This year marks 45 years that Roxanne Seftas has taught at Hayfield. She began her teaching career at Hayfield in 1977.
“Teaching wasn’t a whole lot different than it is now. The technology is different, interests are different but students are basically the same” Seftas said.
But unknown to the students, the building has gone through many changes since the late 20th century. In 2002, the hawks nest would go through a major renovation.
“We operated for four years with no ceiling tiles, it was gloomy. But you’d come in and not know what hallway was going to be closed that day,” Seftas said “We all spend time in a trailer.”

This was a complete renovation, the entrance was redesigned, the gym and auditorium were redone, and every classroom was renovated. But that doesn’t mean that everything was done perfectly.
“When they added a new room, they just slapped a number down.” Seftas said
Many have noticed the different room numbers while walking around the building. Besides the first number representing the floor, there is barely any order to it.
This school year isn’t Robyn Andrews’ first at Hayfield. In fact, she was a student here from 2006 to 2012. Now, she works here as an instructional assistant.
“It was a lot more strict as a student. A lot of the rules have changed, but on the middle school side the rules are going back [to the way they were before]” Andrews said “When I was a student, cell phones weren’t allowed on the middle school or high school side all day.”
The rules have changed a lot since 2012, and so have the fields. In 2015, Hayfield athletic boosters partnered with SYC to fundraise for two synthetic turf fields.
Hayfield’s building has gone through many changes since its opening. But one thing will stay the same, hawk pride will last forever!