How to avoid Valentine’s Day blues

Tis the time of heart-boxed chocolates, obscenely large teddy bears, and social media stories filled with young couples in love. Hayfield’s halls are scattered with students confessing their profound crushes to one another; however, with romance in our generation also comes sorrow. For those not fortunate enough to have a loved one this holiday, the day is filled with dread, angst, and bitterness. 


This guide is meant for those still recovering from Valentines day.


  1. Treat yourself 

Do not wait for a partner or others to validate you with special gifts on Valentines Day, we encourage treating yourself. For instance, go out and buy yourself flowers and chocolates on days you may be feeling down or in need of a nice gift. Invest in selfcare, dedicate spa days, say no to going out when you’re not in the mood, eat what you want.


  1. Keep a journal

Or at least somewhere to write your feelings. Having a designated brain dump, whether it be in your notes app or in a cutesy notebook is extremely beneficial when communicating your feelings with yourself. It eliminates confusion and creates a space for you to express your emotions without draining another person or verbally exhausting yourself.


  1. Romanticize the single life

Make sure to strengthen your own happiness before resorting to a partner, for example make sure you’re comfortable living in your own body. Find time for yourself to build your own safe space such as your room, for instance decorate your room or utilize products that will make you feel romantic such as candles. 


  1. Stop comparing yourself to other relationships

To some, being single in highschool is the epitome of being irrelevant. With the escalation of social media, and the awkward pda some couples showcase in the halls, it’s easy to compare yourself to others who are in relationships. However, stopping and realizing that we are all just teenagers is important. This is also an important notion to keep when you do get into a relationship. Not everything fits in a trope, just let everything naturally unfold. You shouldn’t categorize whether your partner is good or bad by how many “red” or “green flags” they have. Comparison kills the ability to love. 


Lastly, be comfortable with being alone. Within today’s society, the simple concept of loneliness has continually been looked down upon. And, with the impacts of Valentine’s day and the escalation of public affection, whether it be in person or on social media, one can feel pity and not worthy of love in a relationship when alone. Although in reality, there is nothing wrong with spending time with yourself. To start off,  it is anything but emo or embarrassing to be alone. If anything, it highlights your growth and allows for recharging. Maturity is a factor encouraged by being alone, confidence as well. When being content without the validation of others, self-worth is appreciated more. Also, rejection seems better to cope with as you are self-aware. 

Now, we’re not saying completely cut off all relationships with other people. However, we call for everyone to practice self-love and build strength in solitude with the ideal of just being with yourself.